01 October 2008

Some things should be known.

So, if a blog can be mine then all of the ideas will be mine. And if these ideas are mine.. it's probably a good thing to establish a foundation upon where these ideas will come from. Plus, with an awful memory like mine it's probably best to write a lot of things down, so to speak. Also, if it's mine then I can say whatever the hell I want. And I have a big mouth so I rather like that.

1. I am a crazy liberal. I'm not just a registered Democrat because my parents were. On the contrary, the majority of my entire family are extremely conservative. I decided to have a brain, get involved, and not just agree mindlessly. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-free health care, pro-socialism even (Told you I was extreme). This doesn't mean I am going to force these beliefs upon anyone. I love our country for its diversity. But it does mean that if anyone tries to tell me I am "wrong" or force their beliefs on me, I will engage in debate. And probably win. I simply expect the same respect I give other people regarding their beliefs. So, if anyone is reading this that may have a problem with that, or have a problem with respecting our country's right of free speech.. you should probably stop reading here. If you are. With that being said, I support Barack Obama and Joe Biden 100% and will vote for them November 4th. For the record, I don't think John McCain is necessarily a bad candidate. I think that his choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President was probably the worst thing I have ever heard of, and with his age being taken into account it is very possible that she may become President someday. That is the scariest thing I have ever heard in my life, and the stuff my nightmares are made out of. Want some proof? Watch her interview with Katie Couric. Trust me, it'll be easy to find.

2. I am foremost an artist. I'm not very good at practical things i.e. math, analytical thinking, , and I lack a lot of common sense. I am an idealist. I prefer the intangible. I'm going to school for film at ASU, and I would like to think that I will make a difference upon the world with my artistic voice. Me and every other filmmaker, though. Currently I am working on my first screenplay for my portfolio. At ASU you start off in Pre-Film and once you complete the core class requirements you apply for admission into the program. I will be applying and having my interview in February, so I am trying to get everything lined up in advance. It is going to be based upon the story of a serial killer from post-World War I Germany who killed people and fashioned buttons from their bones, purses from their skin, and soap from their fat. I am going to incorporate some numerology, as well as German Expressionism. The Expressionism is primarily going to come into play in the set design, lighting, etc. I want to re-create the German's fascination with the inner psyche, and present the serial killer's twisted mind on the screen. Ambitious, I know. I will wait until I am famous to actually produce this one. The budget would be horrendous.

3. Beyond films, I am also interested in television production. I was never a huge TV person, but recently I have started to believe that it is an art form in itself. I also love the fact that you can tell a story for years, season after season, rather than in 2 hours. I think Showtime wins hands down for all around best network. They have created so many original shows that are brilliant. Among my favorites are, Dexter, Weeds, The Tudors, and The L Word. They have given me such a fresh perspective on television, and I don't think it is mindless any longer.

4. Things seem to have leveled out for now, but the first 19 years of my life I endured things no one should ever have to endure. These are the things that I draw upon for inspiration. We write what we know. It is not meant to evoke pity, but to create my perspective on the world. Every second of every day of our lives has molded us into who we are at this very moment. These are the things that molded me, and who I am. Every word I say is a direct product of this and therefore, it is important. The more I learn about someone, the more I feel I can connect with them and understand who they are, why they do the things they do, and what makes them beautiful and unique.

5. I am a firm believer in evolution. I am also a firm believer in a higher power. I do not call it a he, she, it, God, Jesus, etc. I believe those pronouns or man-made names only serve to confine the idea. This is something we should set free, and not box in. It should be something revered and respected and unclassified. Classify plants, animals, genus, and species but do not categorize this. I can't say for certain what I believe happens when we move on from our bodies. I don't believe anyone truly can. It is all a matter of blind speculation to me. I think that if there truly is an answer, we as humans cannot understand even if it was explained to us. I have been involved in religions, done research, etc. For a while I even considered myself a Christian. But my problem with every religion is the fact that for that to be "right", everyone else has to be "wrong." If you are strictly a Christian, then for thousands and thousands of years many ancient religions have been reduced to the word "wrong." Buddhists, Egyptians, Ancient Greek and Rome polytheism, Hindus, Pagans--all of them. The same goes for if any one of those religions were considered "right." Christianity would then become "wrong." My problem is that there is no unifying factor. I can't justify with faith that everyone else's religions or beliefs are simply incorrect. The only thing I do know for sure is that there are angelic beings. Not angels straight from the bible, seraphim, cherubim, and so on... But beings who have ascended and are made of light.

6. It took me an hour to find a blog URL that no one had taken. So, "what music they make" is a Dracula reference. "Listen to them. Children of the night. What
music they make."

7. I am absolutely convinced I was born in the wrong time period. I should have lived in the 40's and 50's. What I wouldn't give to be a part of the Classic Hollywood Period and get lost in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Unfortunately, with the way it was for women back then, I probably would have only had any luck as an actress. I would have taken that, though. There are no actors, actresses, and directors that can compare with the way it was back then. Unfortunately, there is not a way to re-create it now. The Classic Hollywood Period is more than just a tangible thing. It is an intangible idea, as is every time period in history. This is why I feel that many attempts to bring the genre into the present are failed.

There will probably be more I get up on my soapbox about soon...

1 comment:

Cassidi Marie said...

Oh Tara...
2: I'm the exact same way... Someone asked me once what my talents were, and all I could think of was "I'm an actress... I'm really good at lying to you?"
7: I agree. I think I would've made an excellent hippie. What are your feelings on reincarnation? I think I was probably a crazy Yippie back in the day.

I'm so glad we're Facebook friends... And don't worry, no matter how far away I go, I'll never be able to leave my blog behind. lol.
